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Write For Us

Write for us -Techqueer

Technology Write to us –  At Techqueer; we offer professional content writers, new writers, guest bloggers, and also guest writers the opportunity to “write for us” on the topics of technology, gadgets, marketing, artificial intelligence, and IoT, Telecommunications, Business, and the list go on and on.

Here at, our primary goal is to provide high-quality, meaningful content to our beloved audiences. Furtherly, we mainly illuminate or focus on the areas related to upcoming technology trends, trending gadgets, latest business strategies, telecommunications sectors, and many other categories.

Moreover, we regularly seek professional content writers, freelancers, new writers, and guest authors who contribute high-quality, well-analyzed plagiarism-free articles. Suppose you have deep insights, valuable opinions, and researched content that you think will be valuable additions to our audiences. In that case, we at Technology welcome you with open arms, and you can help us.

Importance of Technology

Technology is an application which provides us with information about various subjects related to our day-to-day life activities in a specific way. Therefore, we can use technology in medicine, science, industry, communication, transportation and daily life. Overall, technology plays a vital role in our life.

Types of Technology

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Technology
  • Space Technology
  • Entertainment Technology
  • Medical Technology
  • Operational Technology
  • Assistive Technology
  • Communication Technology

Importance of Gadgets

Gadgets are small mechanical or electronic devices or tools that usually benefit humans in their day-to-day activities. Gadgets have become an important part of our lives as we can’t work to our ideal best without a gadget. Smartphones, television, computer, cooking and cleaning devices are examples of gadgets. Without these things, we can’t properly do our daily activities at their best.

Gadgets are very powerful and are considered a blessing for humans. There are different types of gadgets, and each gadget performs a particular function. Leading a life without a gadget is highly impossible.

How to submit your article or content?

To send or submit your article, also you can contact us at

Write for Us – Tech

Tech Niche is huge, and below are the topics we cover in this category:

  • Tech News, Gadgets, Mobile Apps,
  • Android & iOS Apps, Reviews, & Ratings
  • Machine learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Ethical Hacking
  • Cloud Computing, Big Data & DevOps
  • Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) & Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Holographics & Oleophobic Displays
  • Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips, Trends, Tricks, and more!

 Telecom – Write for Us


  • Telecom, VOIP, 5G, 4G LTE, LTE & VoLTE etc.
  • Internet, Cyber Security, Router, Managed Services and Enterprise Networks
  • Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Center and Mobility Services
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Smart Home Automation & Security Systems
  • Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips, Trends, Tricks, and more!

Write for Us – Marketing

  • SEO, SEM, Mobile Marketing, Local Marketing, and Retail Marketing
  • Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Social Ads
  • Social Media Marketing, Social Analytics, and Tracking
  • Digital Platforms, Email Marketing, and Inbound Marketing
  • Online Advertising, Internet Marketing, and Strategies
  • Web Technologies (JavaScript, React JS & jQuery etc.)
  • Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips, Trends, Tricks, and more!

 Technology Related Topics – Write for Us

  • Upcoming technology Trends of Present & Future
  • Nano Technology
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • DevOps
  • Data Integration
  • Data Analytics & Visualization
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain and more
  • Big Data
  • Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine learning (ML), Robotics.

 Business Related Topics – Write for Us

  • Telemarketing
  • Subliminal advertising
  • Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips & More!
  • Strategic planning
  • Short-term financing
  • Quality circles
  • Philanthropy
  • Outsourcing
  • Organ graphs
  • Marketing ethics
  • Job sculpting
  • Intellectual capital
  • Green products
  • Employee coaching
  • Data security
  • Copycat products & Corporate crime
  • Consumer loyalty & Consumer risk
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Brand awareness

Digital Marketing Topics – Write for Us

  • Video Marketing
  • Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips & More!
  • Social Media Marketing (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.)
  • Search Engine Optimization (Off page, On-Page Seo, Local Seo, Technical Seo, Seo, Link Building Techniques)
  • Digital Advertising & PPC Guide (Pay Per Click Advertising)
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Conversational Marketing
  • Content Marketing and Digital Copy Writing
  • Affiliate Marketing

Write For Us on Gadgets Related Topics

  • Reviews and Opinions on Latest Gadgets
  • Top 10’s & 20’s Mobiles, Tablets, PCs, Smart Watches, Speakers, Laptops
  • Tech & Gadget Reviews
  • [Smart Watches]
  • [Smart TV’s]
  • [Smart Speakers]
  • [Smart Phone Reviews]
  • Smart Brands
  • Popular Mobile Phones
  • Latest PC/Laptops
  • Features, Opinions, Comparisons, Reviews, Ratings on the latest releases
  • Best Tablets

Guidelines for Guest Post Submission

We accept unique, well-researched, high-quality content. Once you’ve submitted your content to, our editorial team will review it to ensure the article meets the following guidelines. Some of the most critical areas to reflect on while writing:

Title, Headlines, & Subheadings

The article must have appropriate titles and also a memorable title for its publication. Furtherly, divide the article into smaller sections as it will help our dear audience.

Unique Content

The content must be well written and 100% plagiarism-free. Make sure the content you submit is not published on other sites or blogs.

Evade Grammar Mistakes

The article should be checked with Grammarly to evade grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in the article.

Word Count

The word count of the article must contain at least more than 800 words and the maximum limit is more than 2000. The article must be unique and valuable to our audience.


Attach high-resolution copyrighted images; the size must be 1200 x 800 pixels, which must be published with your article. Pictures should be in JPG format.

Document Format

The article document format must be a Microsoft Word or Google Docs document.

Make sure your article meets the previous guest posting guidelines before submitting a final draft to us.

How To Submit Your Guest article or Guest Post?

To submit an article idea, please get in touch with us at with the subject “Guest Post for Techqueer”. After submitting your work, our team will review it, check if the content is unique, and approve it. For sure, our publishing team will contact you within 24 hours.

To Write for Us, you can email us at

Techqueer is open to any suggestion, idea, or query. Feel free to email us at if you have any difficulties. Thus, the team will contact you as soon as possible.

What are the further steps after accepting your Guest post?

We provide free guest posts service with an immediate submission process. You need not wait for a day or a week for approval. Within an hour, we will update you.

We revise your Guest post after receiving it and may modify it if necessary. After that, we publish the blog again and share it on various social media platforms giving credit to the author.

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