What is Web Traffic?

Web traffic is the total amount of data sent and received as a result of user activity on a web page. It constitutes a large part of the traffic of the entire internet. However, it does not cover its entirety. It is one of the most important points to measure the influence, importance, and popularity of any website.

It is another of the metrics that are taken into account when analyzing a website. However, it usually focuses more on each page instead of the total domain count to verify the effectiveness and scope of each one. The main factors that determine this indicator are the number of visitors and, above all, the number of pages they visit.

The term hit takes on particular importance within this concept. Which refers to when any file shown within a page. Hits depend on the number of images and content that appear on the same page, so accumulation influences traffic.

What is Web Traffic for?

Web traffic use to assess to what extent a page or set of these influences their sector and is known by the public. It measures the volume of people who move and interact with the web and, therefore, reveals the authority it has and the scope it also has.

It is an excellent point to assess by advertising agencies to determine which websites will obtain greater visibility with their banners and away and measure how much they will have to pay using CPC rates.

Examples of Web Traffic

As examples of web traffic, we cannot throw specific cases. Web analytics tools like Google Analytics can reflect the numbers with which you are. Yes, we can give examples of the types of sources that generate this traffic, and for this, we are going to offer the following link that expands with information in this regard:

Search Traffic

It is the traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing). It is divided into unpaid or organic traffic (traffic from SEO ) and paid traffic (traffic from PPC). Typically, it is usually the source that brings us the most traffic.

Referral Traffic

It is the one from the different external links that bring us traffic to our site. We could say that they recommend visits.

Campaigns (other)

Traffic from external campaigns to our website created specifically for a specific event. It is essential to tag these campaigns appropriately for their correct classification and subsequent analysis.

Direct traffic

In theory, they are the visits to our site because they have written our URL directly in the browser. The reality is that it also includes traffic to which Google cannot assign a specific source, such as links in “favorites,” links in documents and e-mails (incorrectly labeled), or links in javascript or FLASH.

To accurately analyze our traffic sources, assigning the highest possible percentage of visits to their correct origin is necessary. Be especially careful with direct traffic. Wrong labeling of our external campaigns can increase our referral traffic when the one that should increase is our traffic from campaigns. Once the traffic allocation problems did not solve, we can make a reliable analysis of the origin of our visits.


We interested in knowing which of our traffic sources behaves better or worse depending on our objectives. Depending on the percentage that each of our traffic sources represents over the total, we can know if, for example, our recruitment strategy is giving good results. Let’s say that we have launched a basecamp for personal use. Our campaign traffic percentage should rise compared to the period where this campaign did not activate.

This accurate analysis would be lame if we only looked at the volume of visits. The percentages that each source represents over the total. To have a more precise analysis, we must contextualize these visits and cross them with other metrics such as the bounce rate, the time of stay, or the conversion rate. After all, if the objective of our e-mailing campaign is to sell our product. What use will it be to attract more traffic if it does not convert? Can we rate it as successful?

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